VW T4 Conversion Overview
Mini Camper Conversion Book
I wrote this book to provide you with the help that I wish I had when I started my own camper conversions. I've priced it very affordably, so that most people can access this collection of information.
(Click to access information)
Inside the Build: The T4 Camper
Come take a quick look how the VW T4 was saved from the scrap yard and turned into a beautiful mini camper . More in depth camper conversion information you find in my own conversion book: “Mini Camper Conversion’.
(Click to access information)
Conversion Video
Here you can find a video of the entire mini-camper conversion, available in three languages: English, Spanish, and German.
(Click to acces information)
VW T4 Shopping-List
Here are the items I used in the VW T4. For your convenience, I've provided the links so you don't have to search for them. Come and have a look!